I met up with my dear puaychin, like finally! We've got dozen of things to update each other. She's still the same old puaychin i knew, but a different outlook (: I'm extremely happy for you!
Steamboat @ russell's tgt w alvin, rs, shuling, huiping, gengkai, alex! Though we'll are v gl, xl but its fun la! LOL. A big thanks for russellmum for helping us to prepare the food we bought ;X

I was chatting w alex about year2 modules. Seriously, idk what i wanna be in future. I used to say that i wanna be hairstylish but .... So i am looking forward to what my course can bring me to, but i cant figure out what am i studying for the whole 1year. I never work hard for it, unlike the days in sec school. I am utterly disappointed in myself. I always tend to regret, but i'm not putting action and afford to make it better. Awwwwwwww! I swear this course it not easily. Poly life is not a game. Either you win or you lose, theres no win-win situation. Whereas in sec sch, teacher will push you to study. Ahhhh, i think its time for me to reflect upon myself. If not, my future will be like a blank paper.
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