Went to janet's pre-birthday party at her house! HAPPY SWEET FIFTEEN, janet! (:
Met jocelyn, constance, huiting &kris. As usual, i was late. =x Went jocelyn's house and we online shopped! asking them to kup. =D Bought durian puffs and we start bitching, gossiping, serious talk, anything that comes to our mind! Ate, sing, cam-whoring &cakes. Jocelyn got so fed up went we are talking about that girl. (: Aftermath, we started bitching &this time is about ourselves! huiting = er si, kris = kong ba, constance = ling shan, jocelyn = shan ling (which is her chi name), xmei = yi shan. SO FUNNY! Esp huiting's one. Bus-ed home.
I love them manymany!

Met jocelyn, constance, huiting &kris. As usual, i was late. =x Went jocelyn's house and we online shopped! asking them to kup. =D Bought durian puffs and we start bitching, gossiping, serious talk, anything that comes to our mind! Ate, sing, cam-whoring &cakes. Jocelyn got so fed up went we are talking about that girl. (: Aftermath, we started bitching &this time is about ourselves! huiting = er si, kris = kong ba, constance = ling shan, jocelyn = shan ling (which is her chi name), xmei = yi shan. SO FUNNY! Esp huiting's one. Bus-ed home.
I love them manymany!
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