Photos for Fridat night @ Alj Mac.

Tuesday, went orientation. Was kinda boring cuz im tired. Only slept for 4hrs.
My class guys are all NERDS, even my new-girl-classmates say so.
No motivation la, i dont want to go school.
Left early, collected my lappy &met zy cab home.
Met alison, took photos for her online shop.
Went alj to had our dinner. (:
Tmr will be a better day. Just smile, everything will be alright!
Skipped today's(wed) orientation &slept till 3pm.
Met puaychin @ parkway.
Catch up about our life. &OMG she lose 13kgs.
We will meet again when you lose 10more kgs.
Enjoyed myself though it's just few hours. (:
Cuz we always had heart to heart talk. MISSYOUGIRL.
Ahhhh, im going to orientation tmr (thursday).
I need to wake up at 630am! And it's 1.10am now.
Yawnsss. &&meifen will be performing. COOL.
Ok, goodnight ppl. (:
I hate my wireless internet connection. I suspect my router is badly injure.
I need to get a replacement, if not im going to make a big whooha. (:
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