Oh, monday i met alison, gera and jess. Went town and i bought a top, vest, short and eyeliner. ;X Woke up too late, not enough time to go over far east to get my legging and so on ):

Tuesday gala night. I saw quite a no. of celebrities. (: Nat Ho! He don't look good in long hair lah, short hair more handsome. Hahaha, Michelle, Ou xuan, Jade, Ann and some of them idk the name lah. LOL! Jade's super tall lah! So envy can, hahaha! Sales was bad, quite a no if invited guests.
Wednesday, stayed at home the whole afternoon and evening. Night @ powerhouse was a blast with alison, xueqi, jess, gera and gera bf + friends. The spotlight's make my head spins and i feel like i'll be gone anytime lah! Saw meifen n friends there, maine aloy and friends there, peixing, kaiqi and cliques there! yeah. Wasn't as packed as past few weeks. :) And woah, live show at dance floor. Picked up 1/4 bottle of liquor! LOL!!! Floor's full of broken glasses, irritating lah. Went you he for supper/breakfast homed, one ep of boys over flowers, bed at 7am!
Photos are with gera! Upload once she email me! ;)
Night's day, day's night. How am i gonna turn back my timing when school starts. Sleeping in the morning everyday, and waking up in the evening when i've no work. ): Hopefully sunday night after work i will be tired lah. And no more monday blues for me i supposed cause lessons at 12pm! ;)
Ok, wasting my time watching boys over flowers. Back to drama! Kim hyun joon!!!! ;D
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