Monday, July 07, 2008

Woah, it's week 13 since poly life started but i'm still not used to it. Time is passing too fast, i've no time to take a break too. Poly life is so much different and tough, but i've been slacking super lot. Luckily, liying always remind to me to listen in class. (i'm trying alr, hehe). I don't like the way of teaching. Like what russell say, no teacher to push you to hand up projects, no teacher to push you to study for exams. All are lecturers and tutors who don't bother. -.-" Also, the timetable sucks. I dislike afternoon lesson cuz i always late! Morning lesson is much better :x thru i always slp late, but morning my mummy can wake me up. Hehehs. I must start studying alr, sem exam is coming. ):

Sometime find myself very contradicting leh. Feel like quitting school yet feel like study hard. Roarrrrr! Just try my best ba. Multimedia infocomm technology isn't a easy course. It seems like very slack, but it's not the true! )))):

Well, worked on both weekends with esteen. The sales was good! *thumbs up. I think after changing location (outside sasa instead of edc), it's merrier. But still neighbour with white stone. Hahaha. Ohya, the boos and the gf keep buying food for us la! So fat alr! Sunday, esteen treat the boss 2 hot coffee, i treat the boss 2 milk tea. Instead, he buy more food for us. OMG! Hahahhaa. Luckily esteen friend came, help me finish part of it. :x

Tiring week! Gonna chiong my projects. DEP due on week 13, which is this week. IAD due on week 15 which i'm still stuck on my webpage. Phew that i just presentation English ICA3 this morning. Another one, programming and CCT due on week 15. Goshhhhh, so many things. And all equiz is coming up, DE due 16/july. ):):):

Ohyaohya, tuesday which is tmr i'm going to play badminton with alison! Weeeee. Finally i'm exercising. Have been doing sit ups, push up, running on spot at home last week and i'm still doing ok. I wonder how long can i last. LOL. Wed, maybe gym with classmate in school. Weee, i wanna play badminton lehhh. Hahahaha. Yae, exercise more burn my fats. I know i'm fat, thats why i'm trying to burn them up! Wahahaha.

Fyi, i'm working at cine now. I'm eating my dinner and blogging at the same time, cool right. :D

Ohyaohya i got things to complaint! Grrrr, got super irritated by those kiasu singaporean! Shopping malls, buses, esp trains! I took train to school everyday and they just pissed me off. They came dashing in when you haven't alight, like as if the train will run away like that. Wait for few seconds will die meh. LOL!


Some photos on ajt birthday @ breathless.
Hope you enjoyed yourself. (:

Life's not going smoothly for me. Just feel sucky for everything i do. Roarrr! Laziness kills. ): July isn't a good month for me. Have been thinking a lot. Using up all my brain cells. Guide me thru please. I still can't make up my mind. Hanging in the air ):


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