I guess i flunk my graphic design theory common test. ): I went into the exam hall with empty mind. I know nothing ! Only the color wheel ): No point if i hugged the buddha leg. Well, it's over. I will concentrate on my projects, equiz and class test. I think i need to study soon, but i cant get myself settle down infront of my notes ):
I wanna go shopping sprees. I want get bags and tops, but i'm broke. PAYYYY PLS. But i got to settle that freaking expensive phone bill. It's not my fault it's my sis who didn't inform me the plan is changed with effect on 17th may, grrr i stil got to pay it. Hope mummy is nice to pay half for me. Heart pain ahhhhhh.
I'm lack of sleeps. My mood is horrible, got emo easy. Mood swing again ): I need long hours of sleeps please. No more work for me la, but not enough people lah. Stupid kazua leaving liao. Haissss.
Just now, saturday night. Went back MJR for last camp fire. Well, i go back cuz elin, maine asked me too, if not i won't go back. Not in good term with the teacher in charge. Roar, was tired but was funny with all my seniors. Hahaha, but was unhappy cuz they keep dragging. ): I'm hungryyyy ! Went over alj mac for dinner-supper. Walked home with catherine, ying and kerlyn. Scaryyyy !

I wanna go shopping sprees. I want get bags and tops, but i'm broke. PAYYYY PLS. But i got to settle that freaking expensive phone bill. It's not my fault it's my sis who didn't inform me the plan is changed with effect on 17th may, grrr i stil got to pay it. Hope mummy is nice to pay half for me. Heart pain ahhhhhh.
I'm lack of sleeps. My mood is horrible, got emo easy. Mood swing again ): I need long hours of sleeps please. No more work for me la, but not enough people lah. Stupid kazua leaving liao. Haissss.
Just now, saturday night. Went back MJR for last camp fire. Well, i go back cuz elin, maine asked me too, if not i won't go back. Not in good term with the teacher in charge. Roar, was tired but was funny with all my seniors. Hahaha, but was unhappy cuz they keep dragging. ): I'm hungryyyy ! Went over alj mac for dinner-supper. Walked home with catherine, ying and kerlyn. Scaryyyy !

Photos at campfire gotto wait . hahaha !
Germany vs Spain.
Who will win nia ? I support both of them leh. HOHO.
DRAW ? Impossible. Hahahaha.
Alright, slping time! Nightssss.
School is starting on monday, duh.
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