Bear with my for a while, i wanna rant everything!
MY FRINGE IS EFFIN SHORT NOW! My mum CHOP OFF my fringe! Actually i wanted to TRIM it and she didn't see clear the length i want. So when i looked up into the mirror, i scream like a mad woman! My fringe is GONE ! I hate short fringe, and i mean REAL SHORT! Chopped off around 3inches(6-7cm) lehh !!!!! ROARRRRRRRRR! Now, all i wish is that my fringe will grow faster, if not i will have BAD HAIR DAY for the whole of this month!
I don't know why i make so big hu-ha over my fringe but i just can't stand the length!! Maybe cause i have long fringe for long, now suddenly short fringe i can't adopt. My hair curled at the side lahhh. ): ): ): ): ): ):
Ahhh, even by ranting out i don't feel any better tell me WHY ?! Anw, sorry mummy for the attitude! I just can't control.
Tuesday went MOE to change oral date. Thanks russell for the accompany! Then went back school to studyy DE. (: Then helped gengkai, alex and gary on their programming. (: Met mummy for dinner and home.
Wednesday, went town to collect my nokia HP. Saw zurong working there, so cut queue! If not i gonna wait for very long. :x Went alj mac, saw steph and her friend. Aly came, then bryan, junjie and anson ( all aly's classmate ). Studied till v pekchek! Hahaha. Homed at 10plus.
Thursday, woke up at 5am sia ! Study and school. Hope i can pass! :x Aft that, went amk kbox with huiping, steph and shuling! Yayness. Sang till 2plus, huiping wanted watch ' a hungry ghost festival' but no slots. So went to find mummy, slept for an hour then met yujie for movie! The Mummy! Not bad la, but not as nice as i expected. Bought my mphosis bag! Like finally (: Corrine ask me whether wanna work part time. They having sales again! Yayness, can get top liao :x :x :x

See my fringe! Soooooo short ! Previously my fringe can put behing my ear leh! ):
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