Wonderful day with my lovely girls. Although we don't meet up often like we used to, we don't hang out late like we used to, but we still have so many to say. Never ending things to bitch about, repeating over and over again and we don't feel bored at all.

Andand, i just came back from msia. Went to visit my grandmother. OMG, she is getting older ): POPO, you must be strong ok! I will pray for you. You are lucky cause all your grand child v filial to you. (: (: (: BE STRONG OK, POPO! Over at popo house, i kept eating. All i cld do is to eat, tv and slp. ROAR, i bet i put on weights again. I NEED TO SHED SOME WEIGHT! Becca, when can we jog?!
Anyway i did treatment and dyed my hair dark golden blond. Its not that obvious cause previously my hair was damn red. (: I like my hair color now. I want go suntan. Tanned color w golden blond hair. NICE!
WISH ME GOODLUCK! I AM GETTING MY RESULTS LTR, YES LTR. GOD BLESS ME TO GET AT LEAST 2! ):):): IF NOT BYE TO MIT0812 ROARRR. Ok russell say be positive! LOL. I will definitely make it (:
Ok, headache is killing me. Head is spinning. Tmr working, need report at 9.30am. FCUK, so early sooooo, CIAO! (:
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