Heyheyhey ! My blog seems dead . Ok i'm sick on sunday and monday. No fry food for me and it's terrible man. School was as usual . Ytd when ecp to cycle with baobei and clique. So tiring man . Darling didnt come along cause she got project to complete . Double bike with bb and its so scary at the starting! Baobei and i left 1st and the rest went to eat .
Well, zy is leaving tmr morning . Initially, i don't really believe cause it's so sudden . He still owe me lolipop ! Haha . He will buy me lolipop whenever im sad. (: Sister, rmb to takecare ah. Bon voyage . (ah, i knew it man. cause its so sudden) =D
In life, people come and go we got to accept. Just smile, you will feel better, nothing is impossible to overcome. (:

gosh ! i look so fat .

i love the wind
Our double bike !
&&Lastly, happy 4th mth anniversary with baobei ! (: There's will be more to go . Although we often quarrel over something nono, it's me but he always give in, nono is never failed to give in to me. =x And over this 4mth i've bake cake, brownies, jelly for him ! So blissful sia but i got nth . )): hahah ! No lah, i got his love. =D I don't need much from him but trust and faithful . &&&&i don't like when he give me his stupid tired face !!! =D (i know you will rmb this one day) but still i lovelove you !
Well, zy is leaving tmr morning . Initially, i don't really believe cause it's so sudden . He still owe me lolipop ! Haha . He will buy me lolipop whenever im sad. (: Sister, rmb to takecare ah. Bon voyage . (ah, i knew it man. cause its so sudden) =D
In life, people come and go we got to accept. Just smile, you will feel better, nothing is impossible to overcome. (:
&&Lastly, happy 4th mth anniversary with baobei ! (: There's will be more to go . Although we often quarrel over something nono, it's me but he always give in, nono is never failed to give in to me. =x And over this 4mth i've bake cake, brownies, jelly for him ! So blissful sia but i got nth . )): hahah ! No lah, i got his love. =D I don't need much from him but trust and faithful . &&&&i don't like when he give me his stupid tired face !!! =D (i know you will rmb this one day) but still i lovelove you !
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