Weeeeee. Last day of work. Off an hour early. &darling come to find me, w damien. I was shocked the moment i saw her. lovess lah. hahaha. Packed stuffs &shopped ard. Spotted a small drawstring sling bag, but darling say not nice &ex ! (: Ha. Ate MOS again. Hahaha. Rather sick of it alr. =x Slacked, chatted, laughed. (:
Ohwell, i just hate liars liars liars, esp in r/s. i found out all by MYSELF. How disappointing was it. (oh, not cyong. =x) It was my ex. i know i shldn't be saying here, butbutbut i just can't stand it. You can lie to me for that moment but not FOREVER. I've nothing to say but just B-A-S-T-A-R-D, bastard. Sorry for being so rude. I don't care whether anyone is reading this &spread to his ear or her gf. Why must i bother when i'm not the B-I-T-C-H, bitch. (: Clear conscience. Shall not further elborate what happened. Your reputation in my heart is gone. F****. It's over. (: &i just love my one &only precious cyong who dote &care for me double! (:
Love issit foreverrrrr. Love doesn't last &i will never put much hope on it. (: i've lost trust in everyone. Ofcause not jocelyn &isabel. (:
darling new ORANGE phone.
she got this cause she love orange. (:
taken while working, cause i'm super duper bored.

Ohwell, i just hate liars liars liars, esp in r/s. i found out all by MYSELF. How disappointing was it. (oh, not cyong. =x) It was my ex. i know i shldn't be saying here, butbutbut i just can't stand it. You can lie to me for that moment but not FOREVER. I've nothing to say but just B-A-S-T-A-R-D, bastard. Sorry for being so rude. I don't care whether anyone is reading this &spread to his ear or her gf. Why must i bother when i'm not the B-I-T-C-H, bitch. (: Clear conscience. Shall not further elborate what happened. Your reputation in my heart is gone. F****. It's over. (: &i just love my one &only precious cyong who dote &care for me double! (:
Love issit foreverrrrr. Love doesn't last &i will never put much hope on it. (: i've lost trust in everyone. Ofcause not jocelyn &isabel. (:
she got this cause she love orange. (:

Labels: HATES B-A-S-T-A-R-D
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