It's d last day of Feburary.
I rlly had a awesome month, although many things happened.
Be it good or bad, it's over! What's done is done (:
So dearest march, pls be kind to me too.
I want an enjoyable month ahead before poly starts. :D
&thanks to all my friends who make it a awesome month for me.
Without you'll around, it won't be that awesome. (:
&you'll make me realised that d world is wonderful !
I rlly had a awesome month, although many things happened.
Be it good or bad, it's over! What's done is done (:
So dearest march, pls be kind to me too.
I want an enjoyable month ahead before poly starts. :D
&thanks to all my friends who make it a awesome month for me.
Without you'll around, it won't be that awesome. (:
&you'll make me realised that d world is wonderful !
Night out @boat quay again.
Ohya before tht, met gera &shiyin @cine.
Shiyin, my new friend. (: Haha.
Chatted, slacked before d guys came.
&we dragging for FEW HOURS before deciding where to go. (:
&so, my mood was so turned off.
I hate to dragggggg. I'm sorry if i did give attitude or a black face.
Ohya, debbie &me did took our revenge!
Allan kana beat by debbie, followed by me. HOHOO! :D
Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad.
It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.

Sometime i wonder, why my life is becoming so havco?
I don't want it to be like that too.
I just wanna enjoy my life, cuz i only live once. :D
I hope i'm not so over yet.
As time goes by, things will change.
I will move on . (:
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