Thanks everyone who wish me on my birthday! Sorry i didn't manage to reply everyone as my handphone was low batt! ): Thank you (:
On Saturday, met my lovely girls - daphnne, yeeteng, yingying, jasmine! (: Dine in at 'ren pan chun'. Jasmine left, caught The House Bunny. Yingying and yeeteng left. Daphnne accompany me over to clark quay to meet ollie, he left to club with his friend and we went ecp to meet prisc, kim, allan, zhihui, remus and more @ Beach Cabana. (: Its been long since i meet up with prisc! She is still that noisyyy! Opps hahaha.
On sunday, went Night Safari with Ollieeeeee. (: Thanks baby. Although yr plan wasn't successful but i enjoyed the night. I will be waiting for you to cook for meeeee :D Thanks for staying with me till the clock strike 12 <,33 On monday, school start. Grrrrrr damn spoilt mood. I was effin tired, only caught 4hours for sleep. Thanks russell &rs for the mini cheese cake! Thanks 0812 for singing birthday song for me, i was damn paisehhh LOL! Met isabel and michelle at town. Headed to giraffe after slacking at town. Thanks ISABEL WONG, DEBBIE, SHIYIN, GERA, AJT &ALISON FOR THE SURPRISES. Thanks zhihui for coming, i was shocked and surprise when he appeared. I WAS LIKE OMG! Ok, giraffe food sucksss and i will never go back there againnnn :P Thanks SHIYIN for the treat (: Went over timbre 3. Baby was there. (: wtffff, i had TIMBRE TOWER but i didn't finish it, baby help me with it. YUCKS MAN! I was happy cause he song to me infront of everyone (: Thanks baby. I was so highhhhhh man. Anw, thanks deb and jt for staying till so late when you got school tmr (: I LOVE ALL OF YOU, INCLUDING ALISONWONG! (: This was the best celebration i ever had! Thanks ISABELWONG! ILOVEYOUMAN (: YOU'RE ALWAYS MY BESTY AND I NEVER REGRETTED LOVING YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA. [More details about the celebration hop on to isabelwong's blog!]

Timbre towerrr ):
Thanks everyone who wish me on my birthday! Sorry i didn't manage to reply everyone as my handphone was low batt! ): Thank you (:
On Saturday, met my lovely girls - daphnne, yeeteng, yingying, jasmine! (: Dine in at 'ren pan chun'. Jasmine left, caught The House Bunny. Yingying and yeeteng left. Daphnne accompany me over to clark quay to meet ollie, he left to club with his friend and we went ecp to meet prisc, kim, allan, zhihui, remus and more @ Beach Cabana. (: Its been long since i meet up with prisc! She is still that noisyyy! Opps hahaha.
On sunday, went Night Safari with Ollieeeeee. (: Thanks baby. Although yr plan wasn't successful but i enjoyed the night. I will be waiting for you to cook for meeeee :D Thanks for staying with me till the clock strike 12 <,33 On monday, school start. Grrrrrr damn spoilt mood. I was effin tired, only caught 4hours for sleep. Thanks russell &rs for the mini cheese cake! Thanks 0812 for singing birthday song for me, i was damn paisehhh LOL! Met isabel and michelle at town. Headed to giraffe after slacking at town. Thanks ISABEL WONG, DEBBIE, SHIYIN, GERA, AJT &ALISON FOR THE SURPRISES. Thanks zhihui for coming, i was shocked and surprise when he appeared. I WAS LIKE OMG! Ok, giraffe food sucksss and i will never go back there againnnn :P Thanks SHIYIN for the treat (: Went over timbre 3. Baby was there. (: wtffff, i had TIMBRE TOWER but i didn't finish it, baby help me with it. YUCKS MAN! I was happy cause he song to me infront of everyone (: Thanks baby. I was so highhhhhh man. Anw, thanks deb and jt for staying till so late when you got school tmr (: I LOVE ALL OF YOU, INCLUDING ALISONWONG! (: This was the best celebration i ever had! Thanks ISABELWONG! ILOVEYOUMAN (: YOU'RE ALWAYS MY BESTY AND I NEVER REGRETTED LOVING YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA. [More details about the celebration hop on to isabelwong's blog!]

Birthday night @ giraffe and timbre

Timbre towerrr ):
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