Allow me to ramble ! I hate seeing that bitch when i reach home, just simply turn me off . I can't do anything . I can't shout at her, i can't scold her. Once i shout, i know everyone in the house can't sleep in peace &quiet, &so do my neighbour ?? Yes, i know what's the consequences behind it. CONTROL CONTROL. But, i started attitud-ing, my sarcastic words, mocking smiles &all. YES, i'm damn bitchy. So what ?? Who is more bitchy in the family. Trying to act COOL &MAN in front of me. CMON, FAT HOPE. You'll never make w your sucky attitude. 1million times WORST than mine. I will only attitude when others attitude me. &yes, you are testing my patient. DON'T PUSH IT TOO FAR. Don't be surprise when you see the com is not there. I bought it &i asked my fren to fix it for me. &you ?? Giving me all sort of virus &problem.FCUKYOUBITCH. You're just a selfish BITCH. If you aint a bunk, i guess i won't hate you that much. But, you are. Just a useless SHIT ! Sorry, i just need a place to vent my anger. [=
i guess i still need some time to rmb this phrase. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。
Allow me to ramble ! I hate seeing that bitch when i reach home, just simply turn me off . I can't do anything . I can't shout at her, i can't scold her. Once i shout, i know everyone in the house can't sleep in peace &quiet, &so do my neighbour ?? Yes, i know what's the consequences behind it. CONTROL CONTROL. But, i started attitud-ing, my sarcastic words, mocking smiles &all. YES, i'm damn bitchy. So what ?? Who is more bitchy in the family. Trying to act COOL &MAN in front of me. CMON, FAT HOPE. You'll never make w your sucky attitude. 1million times WORST than mine. I will only attitude when others attitude me. &yes, you are testing my patient. DON'T PUSH IT TOO FAR. Don't be surprise when you see the com is not there. I bought it &i asked my fren to fix it for me. &you ?? Giving me all sort of virus &problem.
i guess i still need some time to rmb this phrase. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。
Out w precious again ! &watch men in white. is damn super LAME ! DON'T WATCH IT ! You'll regret like me! AHhh, i should have watch ocean 13 lahhhhhhhhh. Stupid me. Waste money sia. Hahahaha. I didn't buy anything today! CONTROL all the way, but i think i will get those which caught my eye today. =x But not clothing ! =D Ate over at BigBird. Headed home early cause my mummy wanna eat durian. &&&&&&tadaaaa. Is that bitch who want it. FCUK ! If i knew, i won't bother to come home early. But i still enjoy my day w PRECIOUS ! LOVEYOU. [=

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