Everyone is mugging hard for O's but not me. Have been going out this few days. Never fail to come online. AHHHHHHHHHHH. Why am i still not scare when Amaths paper is just 1week away. Sighhh. I really have no idea why i can't sit still to study for my exams. I really don't wish to flunk it. HELP ME. )))):
Supposed to meet up with puay chin to study but suddenly mummy ask me to accompany her to HDB hub. Something happened. So dumb lah. Study plan cancelled. Grrrr. Once everything is done, walked around, lunch then headed city hall to meet elin. Changed baobei havaianas &bought one for myself using the voucher dajie gave me. :D Met korkor then headed to parkway. Finally i saw aloysiaaaaaa. Hahaha. She's still sooo cute. HAHA! Alright, dinner at jack's place. Walked around then went alj meet sister. Cabbed home. (: With four of us around, there's always laughter! HAHAHA. I LOVE MY GIRLS!

SUNDAY! Went to meet sister after dinner. Studied a lil, done my amath p1. &&&slacking time. Ha, they played 'chai quan' and the loser will have to do a retarded face! It's hilarious! Hahaha! I guess if they see this, they're going to kill me, esp fengyao! LOL.

Supposed to meet up with puay chin to study but suddenly mummy ask me to accompany her to HDB hub. Something happened. So dumb lah. Study plan cancelled. Grrrr. Once everything is done, walked around, lunch then headed city hall to meet elin. Changed baobei havaianas &bought one for myself using the voucher dajie gave me. :D Met korkor then headed to parkway. Finally i saw aloysiaaaaaa. Hahaha. She's still sooo cute. HAHA! Alright, dinner at jack's place. Walked around then went alj meet sister. Cabbed home. (: With four of us around, there's always laughter! HAHAHA. I LOVE MY GIRLS!

SUNDAY! Went to meet sister after dinner. Studied a lil, done my amath p1. &&&slacking time. Ha, they played 'chai quan' and the loser will have to do a retarded face! It's hilarious! Hahaha! I guess if they see this, they're going to kill me, esp fengyao! LOL.

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