But ytd was my 1st test :D:D:D

This is huiping's piece, i like d camera!

and we learnt how to design new font face my ourselves. COOL right?!
anddd, i was bored during work so a few pic me :D
High low high low high low low low low.
My mood went high and low today.
Today's lesson like no lesson, its effin slack! *good good.
I've been blogging lately this week (:
After since my internet connection recover,
most of the time when im at home, im sitting in front of my lappy :D
If only money can buy time, ..
Grr, time is moving too fast too fast. I'm short of time.
So behind time that i got no time for many things.
Month of may, i've been schooling and working.
No enjoyment at all! ): ): ):
1 day, 24hours, 1 hour = 60 mins = 3600 sec is not enough for me!
Although sch is slack, but i've been wasting a lot of my time doing nothing!
Esp when im online. Grrrrrrr. I wish my house internet is down again :x
Byeeeeeee, time to go! Miss me, and i miss you (:
I'm not feeling alright ; unsure ; confusing.
as long as you're here, (:
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