Skipped school on thursday cause i was too lazy to get myself dress up and when that nagging leekp lecturer came to my mind, i don't have the feeling to go school. im so sick of school alr! Slept all the way till 2ish 3, online and prepare for work. After work, met koon, albert n chong. Went hajilane, wanted shesha and chill but everywhr was packed! Cause NEA lah ): albert came up the idea of bowling, fetch clifford then to ehub! Wohoooo damn long never bowl, fun fun! Hehs. had a great time with them! Home @4ish (:
Mum's super nagging and she kept complaint and saying things related to school, v irritating leh! Sibei auntie lah. And she tell me dont waste her money -.- what sial, dont want me waste ur money then ask me quit school lah! Aoh, she didnt have to pay la, sch fees was deducted when the PSEA la. Walau eh. I hate ppl to nag to control my life. I am not small kid anymoe. And i earn for what i want, my own extra allowance for shopping and so, so dont control my life la. Unless u're feeding me with everything.roarrrr. Sorry i just feel soooooo ... Pekchek. Need to rant it. Ok, turning in! HAPPY LABOUR DAY!!
1st time bowling with DODO BALL! Wahaha! (:

Its labour day and ive work. Ok lah, double pay. Russell gave up the slot and give me. (Not that he's superrrrr nice ok, cause he's going out. ;X) I want to dye my hair, but mummy's soooooo busy la ): Alison say i am workaholic, its not lah. only for this week!! ;D Last week of the show alr, next week working monday and sunday at pushcart only! ;DDD I want party time!
Ok shit im running for time now, its 430pm..... and i start work at 6pm! Cabbbby again -.-