Prelim's OVER ! Left with science practical. & i'll be free for one week. Haowen & isabel's birthday is on the way ! Ahhhh, i'm gonna be broke by then. =x
Had been studying with daphie, jasmine, yeeteng, ying2. It was fun ! (: Crapping, mugging &even sleeping! Hahaha. It's was effin fun man! :D Nlevel &Olevel is soooo different. I can get a 5points without studying, but olevel leh? i studied but i could still flunk my papers. TELL ME WHY. I guess my prelims will be more then 30. AHHHHHH. 1and a half mth to go!
Bel asked me for suggestion, and i told her jumbo seafood @clark quay. I love the atmosphere there. So niceeee. (: Anyone went jumbo before? How's the food &the range? AHHH. I love seafood man. Haha! Alright, tag me! (:
Everything is OVER and back to normal. I'm glad. Baby, don't let this happen to us again. ): &ILOVEYOU !
When over to his house, and he fell asleep while i was watchin why why love. Woke him up &he's so cute man! Hahaha. But he went back to sleep, so i went to read thru chem's notes. SO POOR THING RIGHT. Dinner with his family, and i was soooooo full. Cabbed home. (: I knew everything would be over soon but . . .

aloy's bag! I look so nerd man!