I loving it. Enjoyed the stuffs i sell, and the satisfaction when someone bought the items i introduced to them. HAHA!
Ytd my agent called me &told me that one company wanted me. I went for the interview 1 week before &they liked me a lot. (don't know isit true, that's what my agent told me) But i rejected it! The pay &the working environment is better. But i think i've start working here, so i don't just go halfway, &i can't bear to leave. Thats really a good chance for me man! AHhhhhhHhhh. Wonder can they accept me next year. LOL!
Back to my job. The sales is GOOD over at change ally. Although not as good as great world city, but it's quite good alr cause the business hours is just from 11am - 7pm. Whereas GWC is 10 - 10am. I love the stuffs im selling. That is why i can't bear to leave. HAHA! Guppo Gruppi rocksss. Hahaha.
Meet baobei after work today. Went bugis to get diary book &eye shadow brush. Baobei paid for my diary! Hahaha. He seems so rich this few days sia. LOL. I want to buy shoeeeeeee. Someone pls pamper me. Hahah. Baobei, pamper meeeee. (i know you will read this. haha.

Change ally push cart! My working place till end of dec. (most probably!) :D