The guy behind wants to take w us. HAHAHA ! jkjk.

@ bedok jetty . 3little kids playing water. SO CUTE !

Trying to figure out what happen to the heli.

DODO`koon &jiashi !

What am i doing ?!?!!

I'm back . Ha ! Friday was too lazy to blog
&partly cause i'm tired !
Had tuition w koon @mstia house. 1st lesson!
After that went alj to meet them. slacked till 9 went home for dinner. [=
Saturday . Woke up at 12, got stomach ache &cramps ! Ahhh.
suffer for 1hours plus. Read thru history notes ! =D
Prepared &headed to east coast . Ahhhhh.
Cycle to lagoon for satay . craving for weeks ! tadahh. FINALLY.
then cycle all the way to jetty then tahan merah side.
So tiring lah. chiong-ed all the way back to return bicycle. HAHA.
Walked over parkway. Topshop ! Ahhh. i wanna get a top &the slipper.
But i promise not to shop. (maybe this weekend =D) so didn't buy.
I FINALLY SAW CINDIAL ! I MISS HER LIKE HELL.Supposed to find her at work, but she's off at 7. hahaha.
Bought dawei's present from stage. [=
Then off to dawei's house.
Afternoon, something happened.
I was damn fed up. my blood boil real bad.
Called jocelyn to complaint . HAHAH !
But tadahhh. maybe i mistaken him.
Instead, he gave me a surprise ! Hahaha.
I was so guilty lah. I gave him attitude.
Went for a stroll around dawei's house. his nephew is CUTE!
Like my nephew lah ! Hahahaha. played w him, bb accompanied me. hahaha!
DAMN CUTE. but naughty ! LOL.
Took cab home ard 12 plus. cause i'm working the next day. Ahhh. ):
Sunday, work @raffles.
boredboredbored. luckily got auntie accompany to chat.
we chatted alot. Hahahahaha. about life &all.
then study history. NOTHING GET INTO MY HEAD.
I HATE HISTORY. history is just like a new topic to me &i'll never get to understand.
Closed by myself. bb can't come out. cause he reached home @3plus4am. =.=!
Chatted on phone w him on my way home. [=
Today, obviously school again.
boredboredbored. amath was alright. mrskong was nice to give us 1period off.
slept during recess then crapped. supposed to have history.
but we went for photo taking on purpose. HAHAHA.
supposed to be before recess. =x SO NO TEST ! postpone to tmr. HAHAHA.
we're bad. but cause i guess majority didn't study all.
Chinese, panping was nice to give us 10min break. All slept. hahaha.
I want to improve my 'ying yong wen' forever getting passing grades.
compo still alright, i wanna improve ! Aim at least B3 for chinese!
I'm chinese, yet my chinese sucks! I'm not good in langauge. ):
bb, thanks for everything. i'm happy w you.no matter what, you're always cheering me up.for tolerating my attitude. =Dyou can't give me what i want like the past.you can't be the perfect guy i'm looking for.but you gave me the love i wanted.thanks for everything. i felt your love, concern, care.doting &pampering me.but rmb what you promised me.no matter what happened in the past i won't mind.i can see you've changed after those words i said.you quit g .. &trying to quit fagging. Thanks.but i often treat you badly. =xiloveyou, my superman! =D