I rmb promised that i won't be emo here again . (:
Ytd i went cycling after block test. Cycling
alone is damn cool and relaxing. You just feel alone and you can sort out your thought. Thats what i did and i cooled down myself and partly because of what zhiyang told me. Im thinking positive. Although it may be lonely but its something so different same for shopping. Shopping alone is nice too. The feeling is great. (: Cycle all the way to tahan merah and back and aloy came to my mind. called him and went over to meet him. when
baobei came. i went to return bike and suddenly a guy asked me to be friend. no mood for that lah. baobei is there waiting for me. I didnt talk much caause i know my attitude, im gonna be loud is i start talking so i let him talk. ha. actually after cycling, i cooled myself down and im alright. zyang is rgt, trust and tolerate must be there in r/s. ohya, koon and darling was so worried when i say im going ecp to cycle alone. ha. thanks so much dearest. i dont feel being that lonely. (: Played game, i dont know is what. the soccer game at arcade de. im so noob at it lah. LOL. Baobei sent me home. Really miss him so muchhhhhh.
Tdy, tuition in the noon. all was late expect jiashi. hohoho. simei after tuition for lunch. then took mrt to meet baobei, on the way saw calvin and shervonne. tsktsk. LOL. took bus to toapayo to get my contact lens. And my right eye got infection la ! no wonder its so pain. luckily i didn't delay till next week. and now, i cant wear contact lens for 2weeks unless i only wear on my left eye. ahhhhhhh. poor eye ): Bought half year contact lens. ahhhh, 1/4 of my pay is goneeeee. Slacked ard and toapayo is a nice place, they have got this place where i can see many couples there. so romatic lah. Lie on baobei lap and i nearly fall aslp. im so tiredddddddd. and baobei nearly fall aslp on my shoulder too. chatted a lot of things, the days we quarrelled. haa. it's overrrrr. hurrary. i know i can overcome it. (:
after what happened, we really talked heart to heart. we really chatted a lot of our live etc. i guess this quarrel is worth. *opps. (but i dont want it again.)
four dayssssss we didn't talk face to face just like strangers when we saw each other and its so horrible. but i must really thanks koon for being by my side and darling, bel and zyang for being one phone away . and those who cared for me. life is full of ups downs but i manage to overcome it.

baby just woke up from his lala land. =x

im alright now, friends. thanks so muchhhhhhhh. im gonna learn to cherish everyone from now. yea, kinda like a great impact on my life siaa. i just feel lost w/o him. (: oh, &i've start playing a childhish game, pokemon ! =x being with koon and the clique i feel stress/trouble-free ! (: