THANKS TO ALL WHO REMEMBER MY BIRTHDAY &THE WISHINGS! There's way too many people i wanna thanks. (: I was surprise that even marvin, hongyi, zhiyang, zhuangxun wished me. Thanks man! I'm so happy upon receiving all the msg. (:
Well, had tution in the morning. Studied before i went for dinner. Shall not elborate the unhappy thing. Bel, darling, damien, zhiyang, garie, zhiwei, baobei &i went ecp for dinner. SEAFOOODDDD, but i was rather full so didn't ate much. There's so many things i wanna say, &i don't know how to put it. But well, 13oct isn't a good day. I swear man. :D Anyhow, i still enjoyed myself. (: I'm older by one year! ))): Ha. Can't wait till 18 and i want to get my license! Heeeeees.
Ok, i wanna scold darling here! She lied to me that she's unable to make it for dinner as last min, she's having dinner with damien's mother. My tears just flow down my cheeks. it's true. I hate last min &i'm sad. I told bel &yang. He called darling &scold her. Ahhh. Bel were trying to cheer me up. SHIT YOU LAH DARLING! &i scold her with vulgarities.
I'm so sorry. But it was meant to be a surprise, but i destroy it. HA!
I'm touch by the present BEL gave me. Its PRICELESS ok. She spend 10hours doing a book for me, with our photos 7years ago till now. Had a good laugh at how we looked when we are in primary sch. xD Its all her hardwork. (: Thanks man.
Ohhh, and from darling, constance, kris, huiting &DAMIEN, a DOROTHY PERKIN GIFT CARD. (: I really don't know how to put it, but
THANKS! &from zhiyang &clique, that lovely rocking chair. (((((: THANKS MANY. &for the dinner too. xD &also NEW URBAN MALE VOUCHER from dajie! She's the best sister i ever had. :D
houghts that counts. I really wanna thanks those who wished me. Just 2word happy birthday, can made me SMILE. (:
ISABEL, thanks for making a trip down to ecp when actually something happened to your family. But still, sorry. (:

12OCTOBERWent to get baobei's present &before going to get donut. thanks sister. (: then headed bugis, ate dinner &develop some photos before looking for elin. Aftermath, when 3rd floor to meet baobei. (:
Thank goodness, everything is finally over. Yayness. Please dont let the history repeat again. I'm torturing &i almost cannot make it. I kept imagine things. I don't know why. But i'm glad everything is over. Although thing will not be the same, but i'm glad we are better then those days. I hope our love will last. I don't wish to be hurt again, baobei. The rainbow after rain. No more storms &thunder, its stop raining. The sun &pretty rainbow is out. Please, stay forever. (: I love you baobei.
&&&thanks korkor. you're the best! :D (you know who you are.)